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Generate certificates using Figma and the PikMaker API

Looking for a way to recognize the achievements of your employees, and students or even just give yourself a fun pat on the back? Our free, customizable certificates can be generated automatically in just seconds.

How To Make Certificates Automagically Using Figma And PikMaker

Step 1: Sign up for PikMaker

You can sign up for PikMaker with one click using your Figma account, or simply sign up using your email.

Step 2: Copy and paste your certificate URL from Figma (or use ours)

Paste the Figma file URL for your certificate in the search field, wait for the available templates to be loaded, select the ones you want to import, and click on the "Import templates" button.

If you don‘t have a certificate template already, you can use ours. We may not have many options available at this time, but more are coming soon, we promise.

With the template created, you can now start using it to auto-generate certificates using the API. Right now, we only support text and image modifications.

API Code Examples:

OK, let‘s say you want to generate a certificate, based on the template we created. The code would look something like this:

fetch("https://pikmaker.com/api/images", {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "your-api-key"
  body: JSON.stringify({
    template: "template-id",
    format: "pdf",
    modifications: {
      "name.text": "Someone Name"

Note, to modify an element (or "node", as Figma likes to call it) you have to use its name and the attribute. So to modify the text of the "name" element you have to use name.text and pass the new text.

I hope you were able to complete this tutorial successfully but if not, join us on Discord and let us know where you stopped and we will help you. See you around!